1 Comment

  1. [email protected]

    On point podcast guys! You really seemed to hit all the issues and hit them well. I really appreciated pointing out that leaders are just as human as anyone and the complexity of ‘placing blame’ – that we can all play a part in the problem… and – by extension – in the solution. I really love how much you push for having healthy people around, both to lean on and to be able to call each other out. For what it’s worth, in following leaders, I try to be like the Bereans of Acts – viewing everything through the lens of scripture. Belief must be personal and reasoned, not spoon fed without question, no matter how ‘good’ the teacher is – even C.S. Lewis had his problems. If we can gain emotional insight through Disney, than we can certianly gain insight on apologetics from Ravi – neither glossing over his unrepentance, nor tossing the baby out with the bathwater. Idolize no one. Chew the meat, spit out the bones – good word guys.
    – Brian

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