1. [email protected]

    Great podcast Shelia! Glad for the work you’re doing. I misjudged you a bit last time for your seeming harshness and I apologize. I see your heart much better now. Thanks so much for addressing the ‘us versus them’ church bashing thing Trevor, I really really appreciated it. Like you Nick, I must’ve glossed over alot of Love and Respect. That is tragic to hear so many women really hurt by bad advice from a respected (pun intended) member of Christianity. Have you reached out to Steve Arterburn about some of his stuff? I seriously doubt he’ll take out ‘Every’ from his books, but he did endorse the Pure Desire book, so he might appreciate your perspective on some tweaking that he could do to some of his material, especially if the negative consequences were unintended, like the vilifying of women. Thanks again.
    – Brian

  2. Matthew Ford

    WOW! Great Podcast! I’ve never heard some of these thoughts but they totally made sense! Excited to grab Sheila’s book!

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