1. [email protected]

    Just listed to this podcast on same sex attraction. I also deal with this and just want to say you did an excellent job in explanation of the struggles and great advise on understanding what SSA really is and where it comes from. Blessings Ronald

  2. Robert Harrison

    Great discussion, thanks for sharing. Some of my key takeaways were:
    1. We assume the brain is wired one way or the other and that we act out according to that wiring. The truth is we program our brain at an early age which helps to reinforce our behavior/acting out.
    2. Men get the impression that church has the agenda to “fix them”. God is the one who fixes them often with the help of a good therapist.
    3. We don’t have enough physical affection in our country because we sexualize affection in our country. Brazil is a good example of healthy male affection.
    4. We have a faulty view of healing – if God heals me, it means I will never want a particular sin again. But this is not realistic to the human body experience. We can still be healed but still experience temptation.
    5. Trust that God is the one who heals, not me. I just need to be a good friend!
    6. We are all broken people who need love and acceptance from others in spite of our brokenness. We need to be affirmed as humans, not your sexual preference.
    7. Should not put this topic into its own category. Brokenness affects everyone and we should respond with grace, acceptance and love to everyone.

  3. [email protected]

    An excellent and well balanced podcast on SSA. Thanks!

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