1. [email protected]

    Thanks for another great podcast. I was wondering if you had a link to a site or sites for what needs to be legally reported and what doesn’t. I know there is some stuff in the workbooks and I understand the need to be somewhat generalized and there are different rules for different states, but as a goup leader, my biggest fear in group is I’m going to find out I was supposed to report something and I didn’t (and now I’m a bit worried I’ll share too much with my pastor and break trust where I share something I didn’t need to). It just feels like the grey area is larger than it needs to be, but I’m not sure where to look to make it smaller. I do tend to overthink (as you guys probably know by now😉), but thought I’d throw it out there. Thanks.
    – Brian

    1. Avatar photo Rich Moore

      Hi Brian, Thank you for listening to the Podcast and sending in your question. To start off, you are correct, there are a lot of grey areas and that can and is usually a hang-up for many leaders when it comes to reporting. One of the first things you should do, especially if you are leading a group at your church, is to consult with your pastoral oversight. Be sure to fill them in. Let them know you have a potential situation, and if in fact, it needs to be reported then you would fill them in with the individual who you are talking about at that point. If you and your pastor are still not sure, you can always call the local authorities and get more clarifying information.

      In the Memo of Understanding, we do talk about breaking confidentiality when something like this comes up in the group. And it is important that this document is signed by each group member.

      One of the best ways to help with any potential reporting issue is to reach out. You will be able to get most of your questions aksed by calling local authorities, and from there, the next steps should be pretty clear. You can also go to http://www.childwelfare.gov. There, they will have a lot of different information that may be helpful as well.

      If you have any other questions feel free to contact me. [email protected]

  2. [email protected]

    Thanks Rich. I’m definitely more of a list guy, but it’s probably a better idea to go this route of asking anyway since I’ll be getting Pastoral input no matter what. Thanks again for all you, your openness, humility and willingness to help.

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