1. [email protected]

    There were some really good points in this podcast, particularly about talking with your children early on and balancing the rules with a loving, safe relationship with them. But I can’t help but challenge his idea that what can help mitigate the use of pornography is “exciting sex” with your spouse. That really contradicts everything that I’ve heard and read at pure desire. I know that not everything a guest says is agreed-upon by pure desire. But that message just really negates all the information about it not being about sex and not being solved with sex either. I understand connection with a spouse in general can help. But sex itself isn’t the cure. It would have been nice to have that reinforced during that podcast. Of course connection can lead to more intimacy physically, but he alluded to the fact that that is the solution. We all know it starts with understanding childhood trauma as well. Just some feedback.

    1. Avatar photo Trevor Winsor

      Absolutely. A better sex life will not lead to a life free of sexual addiction. From our time with Josh, it seemed to be “part” of a holistic solution. It could totally come off as
      “the” solution. But we do know it’s much bigger than a good sex life. Thanks for calling this out. Good reminder on keeping focused on the true “why” of unwanted sexual behavior.

    2. Felicia Noah

      I agree Jill. I was listening to your podcast #213 w/ Josh McDowell and feel very confused about something he said. He stated (around minute 33.37), “and then the problem with pastors or any leader/one(?). If you do not have a loving, intimate, exciting marriage and sex life with your spouse, you’re vulnerable.” I had to stop listening at that point.

      So… the sex life in marriage or lack of exciting sex life in marriage is a factor in a man’s vulnerability to porn?? I am new to the journey toward healing my betrayal trauma and I felt reassured through many other podcasts, books and resources, including some of Our Desire’s other episodes, that my husband’s porn usage/sexual betrayal is NOT about me nor is it about sex. After listening to your podcast #213, I am feeling dazed, confused, at fault and generally hopeless… again

    3. Avatar photo Trevor Winsor

      Hi, Felicia. We’re so sorry this episode brought more confusion and hopelessness. That is, of course, not our intent. One of the aspects of having outside guests on our show is that we won’t always agree with every statement made. We value and appreciate Josh’s perspective, however, we would agree with you, that an addict’s/spouse’s struggle is not the responsibility or fault of their spouse. That is never the case. If you have any follow-up questions, you can email me directly ([email protected]).

  2. dcastillo

    Hello! What’s the source or sources for the stats mentioned in this podcast? Just curious so I know how to cite them.

    1. Avatar photo Trevor Winsor

      Hi there! Great question. Josh and his ministry were a part of a research project with Barna called The Porn Phenomenon. This is where a lot of the stats come from. Here’s a link to it: https://shop.barna.com/products/porn-phenomenon

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