Emotional HealthHealingRecovery 3 minutes to read

Setting and achieving goals is a pivotal component of the recovery journey, providing a roadmap for personal growth and healing. In many ways, goal-setting is a significant part of recovery. When we navigate goals with a holistic approach, it can have a tremendous impact on several areas of our lives and especially our relationships.


Have you heard of SMART goals? These are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Specific goals give us a clear target to aim for and serve as a foundation for measuring progress. Establishing certain parameters around the achievement of a goal is crucial. 

When we set goals that follow this model—Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-bound—we will be more effective and successful with setting and achieving our goals.

Consider the Season of Life

When setting goals, it’s important to consider our season of life. Goals suitable for a 25-year-old might not align with the commitments and responsibilities of a 45-year-old with a family. Understanding personal margins, both in terms of time and resources, is essential for thoughtful and realistic goal-setting.

We need to be honest with ourselves when evaluating the feasibility of certain goals. Acknowledging the constraints and opportunities within our current season of life ensures that goals are tailored to our unique circumstances, which will increase the likelihood of success in achieving our goals.

Involve Others in Goal Setting

One of the most valuable parts of this process is having a supportive team when working toward goals. Sharing our specific goals with others can provide encouragement, accountability, and sometimes even healthy competition. When we invite others into our goal-setting process, they can offer unique insights and support.

Involving others in goal-setting, especially individuals in our close community and support network, can add layers of richness to the process. Sometimes, the people around us can see aspects of our lives that we might overlook, providing a valuable perspective to our goal-setting endeavors.

Navigate Goals with Family

Keep in mind: personal goals, especially those related to self-care, can impact our spouse and family members. We need to  recognize the potential for conflicts arising from personal goals that may seem incongruent with the priorities and commitments of family members.

Communication and collaboration are key in navigating these potential conflicts. Open dialogue is crucial to help others understand the benefits of setting goals for ourselves and those around us. For example, if we want to change our dietary habits, we need to acknowledge how this might affect our family. It’s important to consider the impact our personal goals may have on our overall family dynamic.

Build Momentum

When we’re able to take small steps toward goal-setting and experience success, it builds momentum, self-confidence, and a sense of strength and hope. This is significant because creating momentum leads to the development of healthy habits over time. As habits become ingrained in daily life, health and positive choices become second nature.

Setting and achieving goals is not just about the specific outcomes but about the journey of personal growth and transformation. The small victories, repeated over time, contribute to our overall sense of accomplishment and well-being.

Reevaluate and Adjust Goals

Periodically reevaluating our goals, especially in the context of recovery, is foundational to this process. Recovery is a dynamic journey, and we tend to evolve over time. Adjusting our goals ensures continued growth and prevents a drift toward old unhealthy patterns. 

As we wrap up 2023 and head into 2024, embrace the new year as an opportunity for reflection, goal-setting, and continued progress in your recovery journey.

Setting and achieving goals can have transformative power in the recovery process. By embracing SMART goals, considering the season of life, involving others in the journey, navigating potential conflicts, and building momentum, you can create a roadmap to lasting recovery and personal well-being. 

The journey of recovery is not static but dynamic, requiring intentional reflection, adjustment, and a commitment to ongoing personal growth. As the new year unfolds, embark on your recovery journey with a renewed focus on setting and achieving goals that foster health, healing, and positive transformation.

This blog post is based on podcast episode 338: ‘Tis the Season: Attainable Goals, with Trevor Winsor, Nick Stumbo, and Tyler Chinchen. Check out the full episode here.

The views, opinions, and ideas expressed in this blog are those of the author alone and do not reflect an official position of Pure Desire Ministries, except where expressly stated.

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This blog post contains content from a recent Pure Desire Podcast episode. To listen to the full episode, use the link provided. Pure Desire is committed to providing information, encouragement, and hope for those on the recovery and healing journey.

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