1. Doug

    The portion of scripture directing sin resolution in Mathew 18 is embraced as a model to be used within marriage in PureDesire.org podcast 321 (“… why not”). I advocate puredesire.org and have been helped by your ministry. Thank you! I would enjoy a deeper discussion on this topic. What types of sins fit verse 15 as applied to marriage. What types of sins do not fit verse 15 as applied to marriage. Who decides? Are you really embracing verse 17 as a conclusion for married couples having challenges resolving conflict? My answer would be “possibly yes” and yet this has the likelihood and potential of becoming a slippy slidey slop when applied “loosely” in some of the Christian counseling and authorship world we find ourselves in today. Contrast with the next chapter (19) verse 6, “…let not man put asunder”. How much long suffering is exampled by God in this area? ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE6SZ1ogOVU )

  2. Doug

    Sorry! I did not mean to spell slope incorrectly. I want to add that I enjoy and have been encouraged by Nancy in the past. Thank you Nancy and thank you to everyone at PureDesire.org.

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